Chapter 5: Something Wicked This Way Gone I found myself engrossed by the illustration of the campus menace on the computer. The dark figure, in all black...
Chapter 3: Go Straight to…the Dean's Office Daryl McCain, the team captain, stepped out from behind the girls. She was distinctly different, cut but skinny...
Chapter 2: The Trouble with Art School Jocks (And How To Get Into It) On cue, The Nameless One's underlings flanked me. The tallest one of the bunch, JR, grabbed...
Chapter 1: Disastrous Trick I am! I am not my heritage! The only biological heir to the Bramwell-Gates Arts Institute. I am not who they want me to be! A...
Many writing books tell you to write in a genre you enjoy and read novels in the genre you wish to write in. Sounds wonderful, you read books you enjoy...
Out of the darkness of censorship, the morality police rose. A tyrannical group bent on the suppression of creative thought. Their subtle brainwashing technique quickly converted the world masses.