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We are known as the Phantasts – sister and brother, and stewards of the Phantasy Underground. It will be our duty to guide you through the stories that we have liberated across time, space, and dimensions.

In our original timeline, the Morality Police came into power. The group’s subtle brainwashing technique converted our world. The oneness mandate became law. Anyone caught reading fiction was reconditioned or killed. As a result of silencing creative thought, centuries of our literary fantasy and art vanished.

Have you noticed the creativity in your world slipping away? That is because the Morality Police’s influence is infecting your dimension. It is no coincidence you are here, a dweller in our secret underworld of imagination. Now, you must read to keep the phantasy alive.

The Morality Police dubbed web novels and webtoons the most perverse and mind-numbing propaganda ever created. Here it will be your anchor into our Phantasy Underground. We are risking our existence so you can enjoy the most sought after human experience, escapism. Your first step was breaking from the brainwashing and coming to our website.

Now, click the link to our first story and enter the addicting world of the Phantasy Underground. Maybe one day you will become like us, Phantasts.


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